• Institutions and climate action

    In a recent tweet, Jesus suggested a topic that was, perhaps, inevitable to be our focus during a week when world leaders assembled in Glasgow for the first major climate conference held in the UK. His question: ‘which institutions (rules of … Continued

  • A bad month for Facebook (or is it Meta?!) – but what are we actually worried about?

    Diego already pointed to this week’s topic: Facebook (even if last week’s topic was intellectual property!) In her testimony before the US Congress, Frances Haugen, the Facebook whistleblower highlighted the dangers posed by its algorithms. In some circles, such as The … Continued

  • Intellectual property: striking the right balance

    In an effort to remain joined up across the programme, Christos has suggested this week’s blog topic: “Intellectual property represents a compromise between encouraging new ideas and allowing the full use of existing ideas” Kenneth Arrow (1962) The subject of … Continued

  • Are voice clones the latest disinformation threat?

    In an era of disinformation, holding onto what we mean by ‘truth’ can be increasingly challenging.  A decade ago, Photoshop might have been used to manipulate images, for example, by adding in a person to a photo who was not … Continued

  • Algorithmic bias and facial recognition

    As I mentioned in my last-minute slide about Clearview AI and facial recognition technology (FRT), I think this is a great case of an emergent issue where, for better or worse, firms have had both considerable ability to shape the … Continued

  • Green industrial revolutions, 10 point plans, goals and agenda setting

    This week, the British Government released its 10-point plan for a ‘green industrial revolution’ (you can read the press release, which was actually the only information available for the first 24 hours!).  The plan claims to ‘mobilise £12 billion of … Continued