• What should a modern Industrial Policy look like?

    Christos has suggested this week’s topic: Do we need an “Industrial policy” in the 21st century and if so, what are the instrument that should be employed? Back in 2004, Dani Rodrik starts his excellent piece on the need for … Continued

  • Ethics and technology

    Famously, Google’s unofficial motto was ‘Don’t Be Evil’ (sometimes misdescribed as ‘Do no evil’) but any such corporate claim will inevitably lead to tensions since corporations, especially those that span the globe with a professed interest in having an impact … Continued

  • Return to 1950: nationalisation in the UK and beyond

    Today the Labour Party issued its latest policy announcement #BroadbandForAll – i.e., spend £15.9bn to improve superfast broadband (on top of the £5bn already earmarked by government) and nationalise BT Openreach (worth c£15bn). This comes on the heels of previous … Continued

  • Triple Helix: are all helices creates equal?

    The notion of the triple helix of Etzkowitz et al echoes some of our earlier discussions and interposes universities between business and government nominally replacing the military in what Eisenhower warned of as the ‘military-industrial complex‘ into a seemingly more … Continued

  • Tech giants: growing bigger or ready for a fall?

    What is the future for the leading US tech giants? Google/Alphabet, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook are, on the one hand, technology giants able to exert some degree of market power in their main segments and defend against new entrants … Continued

  • Week 3: Broken glass? Jumping through policy windows and shifting Overton Windows

    One of the big questions for those interested in policy is how and why significant change happens.  We discussed Kingdon’s view of policy windows and policy entrepreneurs and how such critical advocates can help opening windows and taking advantage of … Continued