• Week 2: Can growth be equitable or sustainable?

    Growth, equity and/or sustainability: do we need to choose? In TP1, we were discussing some of the challenges of measuring innovation and competitiveness and how the goal of dedicating 3% of GDP to R&D has come to be seen as … Continued

  • 2019 Week 1: Innovation policy

    Should innovation policy consider wider social benefits and if so, how should we define what constitutes the public good? The immediate motivation lies in today’s Financial Times headline: Qantas hopes its ultra-long-haul flights will go the distance: routes from Sydney … Continued

  • Week 8: The tech antitrust paradox

    Last week, many of you raised a diverse set of technologies that might disrupt including VR, 3D printing, gene drives, drone swarms and meatless meat.  The question, of course, is not just how technology can disrupt, but whether firms and institutions … Continued

  • Week 7: Anticipating disruption

    There are, of course, many reasons to engage in technological foresight including firms seeking competitive intelligence, countries looking to improve their international competitiveness or research agencies looking to invest in the most promising technologies of the future.  One of the … Continued

  • Week 6: Bad policy

    Political debates and the media play important roles not just in driving high-level goals and shaping discourse in different areas but in having an impact on policy design and implementation. While this might help in legitimating policy, public attention can … Continued

  • Week 5: Market failures

    One of the dangers of using words like ‘market failure’ and ‘moral hazard’ is that terms can be bandied about in a quite flippant or fuzzy manner.  Having started to some research into concerns that negative emissions may lead to ‘moral … Continued